Monday, August 20, 2012

Henry County Students to Design Trash Truck Logo

The Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), in partnership with Henry County Public Schools and Henry County, has been awarded a grant to increase public awareness of litter prevention. The “Keep Virginia Beautiful” grant features a logo contest in which area students will compete for the design that may be placed on one or more county garbage trucks.

“We are thrilled to partner with DRBA and Henry County Schools on this project,” said Henry County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jim Adams.  “Our community needs everyone working together to tackle our litter problem, and this is a great start.”
One winning student's artwork and one winning student's slogan will be selected for an anti-litter marketing campaign.  The final product will be displayed on various items: signage, t-shirts, caps, stickers, etc., to be distributed locally.  Additionally, a county-wide event will be held riverside to clean up litter along the Smith River.  Henry County also has proposed that new garbage trucks use the artwork/slogan for reinforcement as they travel the County.
“Having children design the artwork and slogan provides a sense of accomplishment for the students and educates them about the litter problem,” said Brian Williams, DRBA project leader.  “We believe the anti-litter marketing campaign will bring a large number of people to a clean-up event, including the media, and that the areas alongside the Smith River in Henry County will experience a tremendous amount of community pride in their children and river.”

DRBA Executive Director, Tiffany Haworth, said the nonprofit is excited about “this very visible” project. “I’d love to see this happen in communities throughout the Dan River Basin,” she said.

"Henry County Public Schools looks forward to partnering with DRBA and Henry County on this issue. Our students are creative, critical thinkers who will undoubtedly be part of the solution in taking care of our community today and in the future," said Melany Stowe, spokesperson.

DRBA preserves and promotes the natural and cultural resources of the Dan River Basin through recreation, education and stewardship. Keep Virginia Beautiful provided opportunities for government, non-profit and/or service organizations in Virginia to apply for one of 30 grants ranging from $500 to $1,000 in three different categories:  beautification, litter prevention, and recycling.  These grants are made possible by KVB partners Capital One, Waste Management and Lowe’s.

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