As you may know, DRBA has received a dollar for dollar challenge grant from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.
There’s more good news! DRBA has an additional challenge from one of our very generous board members. For every $2 that you donate, up to $10,000, DRBA will receive an additional $1.
Put the two challenges together and a new $100 donation or membership will yield $150 in matching funds for a total of $250 to help protect the rivers we love, to build trails and parks, and to promote sustainable economic development for our region.
Please help us meet these challenges before the year end deadline! Even a small contribution makes a big difference.
Contribute online or download a contribution form at
or mail your contribution to DRBA, 413 Church St., Eden, NC 27288.
Thanks so much – see you on the river!
Katherine Mull
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