In celebration of the one-year anniversary of the Richard P. Gravely, Jr. Nature Preserve (04.26.09), the Virginia Museum of Natural History (VMNH) and the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) hosted Geocaching Day.
Below, instructor, Robin Jenson explains the sport of Geocaching to an eager treasure hunter.

Martha Smith of Martinsville (below) trys her hand at the sport of Geocaching while exploring the trails of the Gravely Nature Preserve. Three caches are located throughout the property. For more information on the sport of Geocaching, visit

Clay Gravely and his sidekick Buster, of Martinsville take a moment to admire the interesting grave markers of the Burgess Cemetery located within the Gravely Nature Preserve.

When taking a break from walking and geocaching visitors can enjoy the tranquil beauty of the Smith River from Rhododendron Trail.
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