Paddlers will float on the Smith and Dan rivers in Eden, stopping at designated stations to draw foil-covered "coins," marked between $1 and $1000. The boat with the highest "loot" wins first prize of $300 in real money. Other prizes will be raffled or awarded for special coins. We'll have T-shirts, lunch and entertainment as well! We need your support for this event!
Here's what you can do:
- Sign up to help with the event—check-in, check boats off the river and tally coins, staff a station along the river, clean up after the event, etc.
- Donate prizes for drawings—coupons or gift cards from local restaurants and businesses you patronize, new items appropriate for use in hiking or paddling, or the always-welcome CASH!
- Help promote the event among your friends and family.
For a registration form, see the event web site, http://www.silverfishfortherivers.com/
To volunteer, please contact Robin Light, rlight@danriver.org, or 336-627-6270.
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