The season begins in late fall, with eggs hatching in mid December and the TIC students and teachers spending the next 6 months making sure the trout in their care grow to healthy fingerlings ready to be released into the wild.
The Smith River in Basset, VA, is the site of all trout releases for the Southern VA TIC Program as the students and teachers bid goodbye to their trout during a series of releases in May and June. Thousands of trout have been released into the river as a result of this program with area students participating in the school wide programs that were responsible for the care of the trout from eggs to fingerlings.
This program, developed by Trout Unlimited over 25 years ago, is a one of a kind hands on teaching experience. Creating excitement in the classroom while teaching the relevance of our watersheds, students learn environmental responsibility and the importance of good stewardship of our natural resources. The initiation of this project and its continuing financial support are due to the dedication and efforts of Dr. David Jones, Martinsville Orthodontist. Dr Jones began the first TIC program in Virginia in 2005. Today there are currently 26 tanks in this Southern VA program while TIC has grown statewide to 65 tanks. Utilizing a grant from the Harvest Foundation, the Dan River Basin Association provides support for this Southern Virginia program.
If attending a release, please park across the street in the lot of the Blue Ridge Regional Library. Students and teachers that are with the TIC program should come dressed in comfortable clothing with shoes that can get wet. We ask that other students, teachers or parents attending please allow the students and TIC volunteers direct access to the river. We will call each class or school to the river's edge when it is time to release their trout.
Trout Release Schedule 2009: Releases will occur between 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
May 7, 2009:
Bassett High (3 groups), 200 students- 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.
May 8, 2009:
Campbell Court - 10:00 a.m.
Drewery Mason
May 14, 2009:
Stuart Elementary - 50 students- 9:30 am
May 15, 2009:
Axton Middle - 20 students - 10:00 a.m.
Mt Olivet - 40 students, time - 11:30 a.m.
May 18, 2009:
Woolwine Elementray - 80 students - 9:15 a.m.
Meadows of Dan - 20 students - 9:15 a.m.
May 21, 2009:
May 22, 2009:
Carlisle - 10:00 a.m.
May 28, 2009:
Irisburg - 10:00 am
Rich Acres - 30 students - 11:00 a.m.
May 29, 2009
Sanville 9:30
June 1, 2009:
Laurel Park
Patrick Henry - 9:00
Martinsville Middle - 80 students, time - 10:00 a.m.
Fieldale Collinsville - (3 groups), 100 students
June 4, 2009:
Albert Harris 9:15
June 5, 2009: RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER to June 8th
Henry - 210 students 9:15
Snow Creek - 100 students 10:30
Release Site: Smith River at Bassett Historical Center River Front, Bassett, VA
Trout Release Coverage media links:
5/22/08 - Former Governor Mark Warner attends Trout in the Classroom release:
5/18/08 - Congressman Virgil Goode attends Trout in the Classroom release:
For information or comments contact:Brian Williams, Education Outreach and Conservation Coordinator
Dan River Basin Association
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