Students, staff and parents enjoyed the fresh air on a beautiful sunny Wednesday morning as they walked to Albert Harris Elementary. Natasha Rowell, Principal for Albert Harris Elementary has taken International Walk to School Day one step further in hopes of getting children more active. Walking school buses are coordinated each quarter by Ms. Rowell and her whole school gets involved. Students are dropped off approximately 1/2 mile from the school and are escorted by volunteers, parents and school staff as they walk down Smith Street to the office entrance of Albert Harris Elementary.
Activate staff and volunteers were on hand to greet over 650 participants and

distribute strawberries smoothies as a reward for making that last climb up the hill to the front office. This was quite a treat for the students and staff. Healthy smoothies were a new experience for some students and staff who were surprised that it contained low fat yogurt and milk and fresh strawberries.

Way to go Natasha Rowell and Albert Harris Elementary staff! Together with one small step at a time we will combat obesity, change behavior and most importantly.....HAVE FUN DOING IT!

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