Jennifer Doss of DRBA led the group as they took an imaginary tour of Europe and learned about Summer Solstice. The holiday of Summer Solsitce (latin for "sol" =sun and "sistere"= to cause to stand still) occurs on June 21st and is the longest day of the year. The sun rises higher and higher each day and on the highest day, it moves so little that it appears the stand still.

Even though it was a warm day outside, the walkers had no compliants as shade from the forest canopy and cool breezes kept us comfortably cool during the walk.

Upon completion of walking the trails of Doe Run Park, the group had a mini-Summer Solstice celebration and are shown above blowing bubbles. Please join us all next month, July 7th at 9am as we walk at Gravely Nature Preserve and discover the meaning behind "Christmas in July."
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