This past weekend, one of the teams "Friends of the Fieldale Trail" hosted a volunteer workday under the direction of Team Captain, Paula Wyatt. The group was very productive and had a great time working. The trail team was joined by scouts from Boy Scout Troop 166 who were working on a conservation badge; they had a total of 16 volunteers walking on the trail! The group removed stumps from the newest extension of the trail and spruced up the trail surface where needed. The trail is in great shape thanks to their efforts!
Kneeling: Paula Wyatt with Molly; 2nd Row: Glenda Scott, Jason Ussery; 3rd Row: Andrew Hudson, Brian DeHart, Graves Anthony, Kolton Helbert, Tracy Kennett; 4th Row: Ronnie Tranthum, Chris Lovern, Tommy Wyatt, Jay Hudson, Randolph DeHart.
According to Paula, "everyone we met today was so appreciative of what has been done and were glad we were getting up the stumps." Now that the surface is even smoother than before, the trail will be ready for the upcoming SPCA's Furry Scurry 5K in October.
While working on the trail, the volunteers saw a wide variety of trail users including: two fishermen, two cyclists, two joggers, more than 20 walkers, and four walkers taking their canine companions on a stroll.
Team member Nancy Kennett says, "I just want to give a big shout out to Paula as our team captain. She did a great job getting everything together, providing water and Gatorade for everyone and making sure walkers stayed out of the working areas for safety reasons. It was a big accomplishment and the Boy Scouts really helped us out. I know the pedestrians of the trail really appreciate all that was done. Thanks Paula, for taking on the role as our leader."
The Smith River Trail System's Adopt-a-Trail Program is a partnership between the Dan River Basin Association, Henry County Parks & Recreation, City of Eden Parks & Recreation, and Martinsville Leisure Services. If you would like to become an Adopt-a-Trail Volunteer, contact the AAT Volunteer Coordinator at 276-634-2545 or
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